
Command line interface for the user command.

To see the help documentation, run the following command in a terminal:

msl-network user --help

Add/remove a user into/from a database.

The Network Manager can be started with the option to use a user’s login credentials as the authorisation check for a Client or Service to be able to connect to the Network Manager.

To use the login credentials as the authentication check, start the Network Manager with the --auth-login flag:

msl-network start --auth-login


# add 'j.doe' to the default database
msl-network user add j.doe --password a good password

# add 'a.smith' as an administrator to the database
msl-network user add a.smith --password !PaSsWoRd* --admin

# update 'j.doe' to be an administrator
msl-network user update j.doe --admin

# update 'a.smith' to not be an administrator
msl-network user update a.smith

# update the password for 'j.doe' using a password in a file
msl-network user update j.doe --password /path/to/my/password.txt

# remove 'j.doe' from the default database
msl-network user remove j.doe

# add 'j.doe' to a specific database
msl-network user add j.doe --password The Password To Use --database /path/to/database.db

# list all users in the database
msl-network user list[source]

Add the user command to the parser.[source]

Executes the user command.