
Command line interface for the hostname command.

To see the help documentation, run the following command in a terminal:

msl-network hostname --help

Add/remove hostname(s) into/from the table in the database.

The Network Manager can be started with the option to use trusted devices (based on the hostname of the connecting device) as the authorisation check for a Client or Service to be able to connect to the Network Manager.

Each hostname in the table is considered as a trusted device and therefore the device can connect to the Network Manager.

To use trusted hostnames as the authentication check, start the Network Manager with the --auth-hostname flag:

msl-network start --auth-hostname


# add 'TheHostname' as a trusted device in the default database
msl-network hostname add TheHostname

# add 'TheHostname' and 'OtherHostname' as trusted devices
msl-network hostname add TheHostname OtherHostname

# remove 'OtherHostname' from the database of trusted devices
msl-network hostname remove OtherHostname

# add 'TheHostname' to a specific database
msl-network hostname add TheHostname --database /path/to/database.db

# list all trusted hostnames
msl-network hostname list[source]

Add the hostname command to the parser.[source]

Executes the hostname command.