Source code for

Helper functions for connecting to a remote computer via SSH_.

Follow these `instructions <>`_
to install/enable an SSH_ server on Windows. You can also create an SSH_ server using the
`paramiko <>`_ package (which is included
when MSL-Network is installed).

The two functions :func:`.start_manager` and :func:`.parse_console_script_kwargs`
are meant to be used together to automatically start a Network
:class:``, and possibly
:class:``\\s, on a remote computer.

See :ref:`ssh-example` for an example on how to start a :class:``
on a Raspberry Pi from another computer.

.. _SSH:
import getpass
import socket
import sys
import time
import warnings

import paramiko
from cryptography.utils import CryptographyDeprecationWarning

from .json import deserialize
from .json import serialize

[docs] def parse_console_script_kwargs(): """Parses the command line for keyword arguments sent from a remote computer. .. versionadded:: 0.4 Returns ------- :class:`dict` The keyword arguments that were passed from :func:`.start_manager`. """ try: index = sys.argv.index('--kwargs') except ValueError: return {} else: return deserialize(sys.argv[index + 1])
[docs] def start_manager(host, console_script_path, *, ssh_username=None, ssh_password=None, timeout=10, as_sudo=False, missing_host_key_policy=None, paramiko_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Start a Network :class:`` on a remote computer. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. _cs: Parameters ---------- host : :class:`str` The hostname (or IP address) of the remote computer. For example -- ``''``, ``'raspberrypi'``, ``'pi@raspberrypi'`` console_script_path : :class:`str` The file path to where the `console script <cs_>`_ is located on the remote computer. ssh_username : :class:`str`, optional The username to use to establish the SSH_ connection. If :data:`None` and the `ssh_username` is not specified in `host` then you will be asked for the `ssh_username`. ssh_password : :class:`str`, optional The password to use to establish the SSH_ connection. If :data:`None` then you will be asked for the `ssh_password`. timeout : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional The maximum number of seconds to wait for the SSH_ connection. as_sudo : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to run the `console script <cs_>`_ as a superuser. missing_host_key_policy : :class:`~paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy`, optional The policy to use when connecting to servers without a known host key. If :data:`None` then uses :class:`~paramiko.client.AutoAddPolicy`. paramiko_kwargs : :class:`dict`, optional Additional keyword arguments that are passed to :func:`ssh.connect <.connect>`. kwargs The keyword arguments in :func:``, and if that `console script <cs>`_ also starts :class:``\\s on the remote computer as well, then the keyword arguments also found in :meth:``. The `kwargs` should be parsed by :func:`.parse_console_script_kwargs` on the remote computer. """ logfile = console_script_path + '.log' command = 'sudo ' + console_script_path if as_sudo else console_script_path command += f' --kwargs {serialize(kwargs)!r} > {logfile!r} 2>&1 &' if paramiko_kwargs is None: paramiko_kwargs = {} ssh_client = connect(host, username=ssh_username, password=ssh_password, timeout=timeout, missing_host_key_policy=missing_host_key_policy, **paramiko_kwargs) exec_command(ssh_client, command, timeout=timeout) # wait for the Manager to start success = False t0 = time.time() while True: try: stdout = exec_command(ssh_client, 'cat ' + logfile) # cat is for *nix except RuntimeError: stdout = exec_command(ssh_client, 'type ' + logfile) # type is for Windows for line in stdout: if NETWORK_MANAGER_RUNNING_PREFIX in line: success = True break if 'ERROR' in line or 'Error:' in line: ssh_client.close() raise RuntimeError('Cannot start Manager\n\n' + '\n'.join(stdout)) if success: break if time.time() - t0 > timeout: # Just to avoid getting stuck forever. # Don't raise an error, maybe the Manager is running by the time # a Client tries to connect if the Manager is not running then # the Client will get an error when trying to connect. break ssh_client.close()
[docs] def connect(host, *, username=None, password=None, timeout=10, missing_host_key_policy=None, **kwargs): """SSH_ to a remote computer. .. versionadded:: 0.4 Parameters ---------- host : :class:`str` The hostname (or IP address) of the remote computer. For example -- ``''``, ``'raspberrypi'``, ``'pi@raspberrypi'`` username : :class:`str`, optional The username to use to establish the SSH_ connection. If :data:`None` and the `username` is not specified in `host` then you will be asked for the `username`. password : :class:`str`, optional The password to use to establish the SSH_ connection. If :data:`None` then you will be asked for the `password`. timeout : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional The maximum number of seconds to wait for the SSH_ connection. missing_host_key_policy : :class:`~paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy`, optional The policy to use when connecting to servers without a known host key. If :data:`None` then uses :class:`~paramiko.client.AutoAddPolicy`. kwargs Additional keyword arguments that are passed to :meth:`SSHClient.connect <paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect>`. Returns ------- :class:`~paramiko.client.SSHClient` The SSH_ connection to the remote computer. """ if '@' in host: username, host = host.split('@') if username is None: username = input('Enter the SSH username: ') if not username: raise ValueError('You must specify the SSH username') if password is None: password = getpass.getpass(f'{username}@{host}\'s password: ') if not password: raise ValueError('You must specify the SSH password') if missing_host_key_policy is None: missing_host_key_policy = paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(missing_host_key_policy) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=CryptographyDeprecationWarning) ssh_client.connect(host, username=username, password=password, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) return ssh_client
[docs] def exec_command(ssh_client, command, *, timeout=10): """Execute the SSH_ command on the remote computer. .. versionadded:: 0.4 Parameters ---------- ssh_client : :class:`~paramiko.client.SSHClient` The SSH_ client that has already established a connection to the remote computer. See also :func:`.connect`. command : :class:`str` The command to execute on the remote computer. timeout : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional The maximum number of seconds to wait for the command to finish. Raises ------ RuntimeError If an error occurred. Either a timeout or stderr on the remote computer contains text from executing the `command`. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` stdout from the remote computer. """ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(command, timeout=timeout) try: lines = stdout.readlines() except socket.timeout: ssh_client.close() raise RuntimeError(f'\nTimeout executing SSH command: {command!r}') from None else: error_message = ''.join(stderr.readlines()) if error_message: ssh_client.close() raise RuntimeError('\n' + error_message) return [line.rstrip('\n') for line in lines]