Source code for

The Network :class:`Manager`.
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import os
import platform
import socket
import ssl
import sys
from datetime import datetime

from . import constants
from . import cryptography
from .constants import DISCONNECT_REQUEST
from .constants import HOSTNAME
from .constants import NOTIFICATION_UID
from .constants import SHUTDOWN_MANAGER
from .database import ConnectionsTable
from .database import HostnamesTable
from .database import UsersTable
from .json import deserialize
from .network import Network
from .service import Service
from .service import filter_service_start_kwargs
from .utils import _numeric_address_regex
from .utils import ensure_root_path
from .utils import logger
from .utils import parse_terminal_input

[docs] class Manager(Network): def __init__(self, port, password, login, hostnames, connections_table, users_table, hostnames_table, loop): """The Network :class:`Manager`. .. attention:: Not to be instantiated directly. Start the Network :class:`Manager` from the command line. Run ``msl-network start --help`` from a terminal for more information. """ super(Manager, self).__init__() self._network_name = f'Manager[{HOSTNAME}:{port}]' self._loop = loop # asyncio.AbstractEventLoop self.port = port # int self.password = password # string or None self.login = login # boolean or None self.hostnames = hostnames # list of trusted hostnames or None self.connections_table = connections_table # object self.users_table = users_table # object self.hostnames_table = hostnames_table # object self.clients = dict() # keys: Client network name, values: the identity dictionary = dict() # keys: Service name, values: the identity dictionary self.service_writers = dict() # keys: Service name, values: StreamWriter of the Service self.service_links = dict() # keys: Service name, values: set() of network name's of the linked Clients self.service_locks = dict() # keys: Service name, values: set() of network name's of the locked Clients self.client_writers = dict() # keys: Client network name, values: StreamWriter of the Client self._identity = { 'hostname': HOSTNAME, 'port': port, 'attributes': { 'identity': '() -> dict', 'link': '(service: str) -> bool', }, 'language': f'Python {platform.python_version()}', 'os': f'{platform.system()} {platform.release()} {platform.machine()}', 'clients': self.clients, 'services':, }
[docs] async def acquire_lock(self, writer, uid, service, shared): """A request from a :class:`` to lock a :class:``. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Parameters ---------- writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer of the :class:``. uid : :class:`str` The unique identifier of the request. service : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`` that the :class:`` wants to acquire a lock with. shared : :class:`bool` Whether the lock is exclusive or shared. """ writer_name = writer.peer.network_name # noqa try: locks = self.service_locks[service] links = self.service_links[service] except KeyError: msg = f'{service!r} service does not exist, {writer_name} cannot acquire a lock' await self._write_error(KeyError(msg), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer) else: if writer_name not in links: msg = f'{writer_name} cannot acquire a lock because it is not linked with the {service!r} service' await self._write_error(PermissionError(msg), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer) elif (not shared) and (len(links) > 1): msg = f'{writer_name} cannot acquire an exclusive lock, ' \ f'there are {len(links)} links with the {service!r} service' join = '\n '.join(sorted(links)) msg += f'\nThe linked Clients are:\n {join}' await self._write_error(PermissionError(msg), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer) else: action = 're-locked' if writer_name in locks else 'locked' locks.add(writer_name)'%s %s %r [%d lock(s), %d link(s)]', writer_name, action, service, len(locks), len(links)) await self._write_result(list(links), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer)
[docs] async def new_connection(self, reader, writer): """Receive a new connection request. To accept the new connection request, the following checks must be successful: 1. The correct authentication reply is received. 2. A correct :obj:`` is received, i.e., is the connection from a :class:`` or :class:``? Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer. """ peer = Peer(writer) # a peer is either a Client or a Service'new connection request from %s', peer.address) self.connections_table.insert(peer, 'new connection request') # create a new attribute called 'peer' for the StreamReader and StreamWriter reader.peer = writer.peer = peer # check authentication if self.password is not None: if not await self.check_manager_password(reader, writer): return elif self.hostnames:'%s verifying hostname of %r', self, peer.address) if peer.hostname not in self.hostnames:'%r is not a trusted hostname, closing connection', peer.hostname) self.connections_table.insert(peer, 'rejected: untrusted hostname') await self._write_error( ValueError(f'{peer.hostname!r} is not a trusted hostname'), requester=self._network_name, writer=writer ) await self.close_writer(writer) return logger.debug('%r is a trusted hostname', peer.hostname) elif self.login: if not await self.check_user(reader, writer): return else: pass # no authentication needed # check that the identity of the connecting device is valid id_type = await self.check_identity(reader, writer) if not id_type: return # the connection request from the device is now accepted # handle requests/replies from the device until it wants to disconnect from the Manager await self.handler(reader, writer) # disconnect the device from the Manager await self.close_writer(writer) await self.remove_peer(id_type, writer)
[docs] async def check_user(self, reader, writer): """Check the login credentials of a user. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the login credentials are valid. """'%s verifying login credentials from %s', self, writer.peer.address) # noqa logger.debug('%s verifying login username from %s', self, writer.peer.address) # noqa await self.write_request(writer, 'username', self._network_name) username = await self.get_handshake_data(reader) if not username: # then the connection closed prematurely'%s connection closed before receiving the username', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'connection closed before receiving the username') # noqa return False user = self.users_table.is_user_registered(username) if not user: logger.error('%s sent an unregistered username, closing connection', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'rejected: unregistered user') # noqa await self._write_error(ValueError('Unregistered user'), requester=self._network_name, writer=writer) await self.close_writer(writer) return False logger.debug('%s verifying login password from %s', self, writer.peer.address) # noqa await self.write_request(writer, 'password', username) password = await self.get_handshake_data(reader) if not password: # then the connection closed prematurely'%s connection closed before receiving the password', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'connection closed before receiving the password') # noqa return False if self.users_table.is_password_valid(username, password): logger.debug('%s sent the correct login password', reader.peer.address) # noqa # writer.peer.is_admin points to the same location in memory so its value also gets updated reader.peer.is_admin = self.users_table.is_admin(username) # noqa return True'%s sent the wrong login password, closing connection', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'rejected: wrong login password') # noqa await self._write_error(ValueError('Wrong login password'), requester=self._network_name, writer=writer) await self.close_writer(writer) return False
[docs] async def check_manager_password(self, reader, writer): """Check the :class:`Manager`\\'s password from the connected device. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the correct password was received. """'%s requesting password from %s', self, writer.peer.address) # noqa await self.write_request(writer, 'password', self._network_name) password = await self.get_handshake_data(reader) if not password: # then the connection closed prematurely'%s connection closed before receiving the password', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'connection closed before receiving the password') # noqa return False if password == self.password: logger.debug('%s sent the correct password', reader.peer.address) # noqa return True'%s sent the wrong Manager password, closing connection', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'rejected: wrong Manager password') # noqa await self._write_error(ValueError('Wrong Manager password'), requester=self._network_name, writer=writer) await self.close_writer(writer) return False
[docs] async def check_identity(self, reader, writer): """Check the :obj:`` of the connected device. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :data:`None` If the identity check was successful then returns the connection type, either ``'client'`` or ``'service'``, otherwise returns :data:`None`. """'%s requesting identity from %s', self, writer.peer.address) # noqa await self.write_request(writer, 'identity') identity = await self.get_handshake_data(reader) if identity is None: # then the connection closed prematurely (a certificate request?) return None elif isinstance(identity, str): identity = parse_terminal_input(identity) logger.debug('%s has identity %s', reader.peer.address, identity) # noqa try: # writer.peer.network_name points to the same location in memory so its value also gets updated reader.peer.network_name = f'{identity["name"]}[{reader.peer.address}]' # noqa typ = identity['type'].lower() if typ == 'client': self.clients[reader.peer.network_name] = { # noqa 'name': identity['name'], 'address': reader.peer.address, # noqa 'language': identity.get('language', 'unknown'), 'os': identity.get('os', 'unknown'), } self.client_writers[reader.peer.network_name] = writer # noqa'%s is a new Client connection', reader.peer.network_name) # noqa elif typ == 'service': if identity['name'] in raise NameError(f'A {identity["name"]!r} service is already running on the Manager')[identity['name']] = { 'attributes': identity['attributes'], 'address': reader.peer.address, # noqa 'language': identity.get('language', 'unknown'), 'os': identity.get('os', 'unknown'), 'max_clients': identity.get('max_clients', -1), } self.service_writers[identity['name']] = writer self.service_links[identity['name']] = set() self.service_locks[identity['name']] = set()'%s is a new Service connection', reader.peer.network_name) # noqa else: raise TypeError(f'Unknown connection type {typ!r}. Must be "client" or "service"') self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, f'connected as a {typ}') # noqa return typ except (TypeError, KeyError, NameError) as e:'%s sent an invalid identity, closing connection', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'rejected: invalid identity') # noqa await self._write_error(e, requester=self._network_name, writer=writer) await self.close_writer(writer) return None
[docs] async def get_handshake_data(self, reader): """Used by :meth:`check_manager_password`, :meth:`check_identity` and :meth:`check_user`. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. Returns ------- :data:`None`, :class:`str` or :class:`dict` The data. """ try: data = (await reader.readline()).decode().rstrip() except (ConnectionError, UnicodeDecodeError): # then most likely the connection was for a certificate request, or, # the connection is trying to use a certificate and the Manage has TLS disabled'%s connection closed prematurely', reader.peer.address) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(reader.peer, 'connection closed prematurely') # noqa return None try: # ideally the response from the connected device will be in # the required JSON format return deserialize(data)['result'] except: # noqa # however, if connecting via a terminal, e.g. openssl s_client, then it is convenient # to not manually type the JSON format and let the Manager parse the raw input return data
[docs] async def handler(self, reader, writer): """Handles requests from the connected :class:``\\s and replies or notifications from the connected :class:``\\s. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` The stream reader. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer. """ reader_name = reader.peer.network_name # noqa writer_name = writer.peer.network_name # noqa while True: try: line = await reader.readline() except ConnectionResetError: return # then the device disconnected abruptly if not line: return if len(line) > self._max_debug_length: half = self._max_debug_length//2 logger.debug('%s: %s ... %s', reader_name, line[:half], line[-half:]) else: logger.debug('%s: %s', reader_name, line) try: data = deserialize(line) except Exception as e: data = parse_terminal_input(line.decode()) if not data: await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, writer=writer) continue if 'result' in data: # then data is a reply or notification from a Service so send it to the Client(s) if data['uid'] == NOTIFICATION_UID: # emit the notification from the Service to all linked Clients'%r emitted a notification', data['service']) for client_address in self.service_links[data['service']]: try: self.client_writers[client_address].write(line) await self.client_writers[client_address].drain() except: # noqa'%s is no longer available to send the notification to', client_address) elif data['requester'] is None:'%s is not able to deserialize the bytes', reader_name) else: try: self.client_writers[data['requester']].write(line) await self.client_writers[data['requester']].drain() except: # noqa'%s is no longer available to send the reply to', data['requester']) elif data['service'] == 'Manager': # then the Client is requesting something from the Manager if data['attribute'] == 'identity': await self._write_result(self.identity(), requester=reader_name, uid=data['uid'], writer=writer) elif data['attribute'] == 'link': try: await, data.get('uid', ''), data['args'][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, uid=data.get('uid', ''), writer=writer) elif data['attribute'] == 'unlink': try: await self.unlink(writer, data.get('uid', ''), data['args'][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, uid=data.get('uid', ''), writer=writer) elif data['attribute'] == 'acquire_lock': try: await self.acquire_lock(writer, data.get('uid', ''), data['args'][0], data['kwargs']['shared']) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, uid=data.get('uid', ''), writer=writer) elif data['attribute'] == 'release_lock': try: await self.release_lock(writer, data.get('uid', ''), data['args'][0]) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, uid=data.get('uid', ''), writer=writer) else: # the peer needs administrative rights to send any other request to the Manager'received an admin request %r from %s', data['attribute'], reader_name) if not reader.peer.is_admin: # noqa await self.check_user(reader, writer) if not reader.peer.is_admin: # noqa await self._write_error( ValueError('You must be an administrator to send this request to the Manager'), requester=reader_name, writer=writer ) continue # the peer is an administrator, so execute the request if data['attribute'] == SHUTDOWN_MANAGER: self._loop.stop() return try: # check for multiple dots "." in the name of the attribute attrib = self for item in data['attribute'].split('.'): attrib = getattr(attrib, item) except AttributeError as e: logger.error('AttributeError: %s', e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, writer=writer) continue try: # send the reply back to the Client if callable(attrib): reply = attrib(*data['args'], **data['kwargs']) # noqa else: reply = attrib # do not include the uid in the reply await self._write_result(reply, requester=reader_name, writer=writer) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e) await self._write_error(e, requester=reader_name, writer=writer) elif data['attribute'] == DISCONNECT_REQUEST: # then the device requested to disconnect return else: # send the request to the appropriate Service try: data['requester'] = writer_name await self._write(data, writer=self.service_writers[data['service']])'%s requested %r from %r', writer_name, data['attribute'], data['service']) except KeyError: msg = f'the {data["service"]!r} Service is not connected to {self}''%s KeyError: %s', self, msg) await self._write_error(KeyError(msg), requester=reader_name, writer=writer)
[docs] async def release_lock(self, writer, uid, service): """A request from a :class:`` to unlock a :class:``. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Parameters ---------- writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer of the :class:``. uid : :class:`str` The unique identifier of the request. service : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`` that the :class:`` wants to release a lock with. """ writer_name = writer.peer.network_name # noqa try: locks = self.service_locks[service] except KeyError: msg = f'{service!r} service does not exist, {writer_name} cannot release the lock' await self._write_error(KeyError(msg), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer) else: try: locks.remove(writer_name)'%s unlocked %r [%d lock(s)]', writer_name, service, len(locks)) except KeyError:'%s does not have a lock on %r [%d lock(s)]', writer_name, service, len(locks)) finally: await self._write_result(list(locks), requester=writer_name, uid=uid, writer=writer)
[docs] async def remove_peer(self, id_type, writer): """Remove this peer from the registry of connected peers. Parameters ---------- id_type : :class:`str` The type of the connection, either ``'client'`` or ``'service'``. writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer of the peer. """ name = writer.peer.network_name # noqa if id_type == 'client': try: del self.clients[name] del self.client_writers[name]'%s has been removed from the registry', name) except KeyError: # ideally this exception should never occur logger.error('%s is not in the Client dictionary', name) # remove this Client from all Services that it was linked with for service_name, client_addresses in self.service_links.items(): if name in client_addresses: try: await self.unlink(writer, '', service_name) except: # noqa pass else: for service in if[service]['address'] == writer.peer.address: # noqa try: del self.service_links[service] del self.service_locks[service] del[service] del self.service_writers[service]'%s service has been removed from the registry', name) except KeyError: # ideally this exception should never occur logger.error('%s is not in the Service dictionary', name) finally: # must break from the iteration, otherwise will get # RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration break
[docs] async def close_writer(self, writer): """Close the connection to the :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter`. Log that the connection is closing, drains the writer and then closes the connection. Parameters ---------- writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer to close. """ try: await writer.drain() writer.close() except ConnectionResetError: pass'%s connection closed', writer.peer.network_name) # noqa self.connections_table.insert(writer.peer, 'disconnected') # noqa
[docs] async def shutdown_manager(self): """ Disconnect all :class:``\\s and :class:``\\s from the :class:`Manager` and then shut down the :class:`Manager`. """ # convert the dict_values to a list since we are modifying the dictionary in remove_peer() for writer in list(self.client_writers.values()): await self.close_writer(writer) await self.remove_peer('client', writer) for writer in list(self.service_writers.values()): await self.close_writer(writer) await self.remove_peer('service', writer)
[docs] def identity(self): """:class:`dict`: The :obj:`` of the Network :class:`Manager`.""" return self._identity
[docs] async def write_request(self, writer, attribute, *args, **kwargs): """Write a request to a :class:`` or to a :class:``. Parameters ---------- writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer of the :class:`` or :class:``. attribute : :class:`str` The name of the attribute to request. args The arguments that `attribute` requires. kwargs The key-value pairs that `attribute` requires. """ await self._write( { 'args': args, 'attribute': attribute, 'error': False, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'requester': self._network_name, 'uid': '', }, writer=writer )
[docs] class Peer(object): def __init__(self, writer): """Metadata about a peer that is connected to the Network :class:`Manager`. .. attention:: Not to be called directly. To be called when the Network :class:`Manager` receives a :meth:`~Manager.new_connection` request. Parameters ---------- writer : :class:`asyncio.StreamWriter` The stream writer for the peer. """ self.is_admin = False self.ip_address, self.port = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[:2] self.domain = socket.getfqdn(self.ip_address) if self.hostname = self.domain else: self.hostname = self.domain.split('.')[0] if self.hostname in constants.LOCALHOST_ALIASES: self.address = f'{HOSTNAME}:{self.port}' else: self.address = f'{self.hostname}:{self.port}' # this value will be updated when the identity is requested self.network_name = f'<Unknown>[{self.address}]'
[docs] def run_forever( *, host=None, port=constants.PORT, auth_hostname=False, auth_login=False, auth_password=None, database=None, disable_tls=False, cert_file=None, key_file=None, key_file_password=None, log_level='INFO', log_file=None): """Start the event loop for the Network :class:`.Manager`. This is a blocking function. It will not return until the event loop of the :class:`.Manager` has stopped. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. versionchanged:: 1.0 Renamed `certfile` to `cert_file`. Renamed `keyfile` to `key_file`. Renamed `keyfile_password` to `key_file_password`. Renamed `logfile` to `log_file`. Removed the `debug` keyword argument. Added the `log_level` keyword argument. Added the `host` keyword argument. Parameters ---------- host : :class:`str`, optional The hostname or IP address to run the Network :class:`Manager` on. If unspecified then all network interfaces are used. port : :class:`int`, optional The port number to run the Network :class:`Manager` on. auth_hostname : :class:`bool`, optional If :data:`True` then only connections from trusted hosts are allowed. If enabling `auth_hostname` then do not specify an `auth_password` and do not enable `auth_login`. Run ``msl-network hostname --help`` for more details. auth_login : :class:`bool`, optional If :data:`True` then checks a users login credentials (the username and password) before a :class:`` or :class:`` successfully connects. If enabling `auth_login` then do not specify an `auth_password` and do not enable `auth_hostname`. Run ``msl-network user --help`` for more details. auth_password : :class:`str`, optional The password of the Network :class:`Manager`. Essentially, this can be a thought of as a single password that all :class:``\\s and :class:``\\s need to specify before the connection to the Network :class:`Manager` is successful. Can be a path to a file that contains the password on the first line in the file (**WARNING!!** if the path does not exist then the value of the path becomes the password). If using an `auth_password` then do not enable `auth_login` nor `auth_hostname`. database : :class:`str`, optional The path to the sqlite3 database that contains the records for the following tables -- :class:`.ConnectionsTable`, :class:`.HostnamesTable`, :class:`.UsersTable`. If :data:`None` then loads the default database. disable_tls : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to use TLS for the communication protocol. cert_file : :class:`str`, optional The path to the TLS certificate file. See :meth:`~ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain` for more details. Only required if using TLS. key_file : :class:`str`, optional The path to the TLS key file. See :meth:`~ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain` for more details. key_file_password : :class:`str`, optional The password to decrypt the `key_file`. See :meth:`~ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain` for more details. Can be a path to a file that contains the password on the first line in the file (**WARNING!!** if the path does not exist then the value of the path becomes the password). log_level : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional The :ref:`logging level <levels>` to initially use. Can also be changed via an :meth:``. log_file : :class:`str`, optional The file path to write logging messages to. If :data:`None` then uses the default file path. """ output = _create_manager_and_loop( host=host, port=port, auth_hostname=auth_hostname, auth_login=auth_login, auth_password=auth_password, database=database, disable_tls=disable_tls, cert_file=cert_file, key_file=key_file, key_file_password=key_file_password, log_level=log_level, log_file=log_file ) if not output: return try: output['loop'].run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt:'CTRL+C keyboard interrupt received') finally: _cleanup(**output)
[docs] def run_services(*services, **kwargs): """This function starts the Network :class:`.Manager` and then starts the specified :class:``\\s. This is a convenience function for running the Network :class:`.Manager` only when the specified :class:``\\s are all connected to the :class:`.Manager`. Once all :class:``\\s disconnect from the :class:`.Manager` then the :class:`.Manager` shuts down. This is a blocking call. It will not return until the event loop of the :class:`.Manager` has stopped. .. versionadded:: 0.4 Parameters ---------- services The :class:``\\s to run on the :class:`.Manager`. Each :class:`` must be instantiated but not started. This :func:`run_services` function will start each :class:``. kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to :func:`run_forever` and to :meth:``. The keyword arguments that are passed to :func:`run_forever` and :meth:`` that are not valid for that function are silently ignored. Examples -------- If you want to allow a :class:`` to be able to shut down a :class:`` then implement a public ``shutdown_service()`` method on the :class:``. For example, the following ```` is a script that starts a Network :class:`.Manager` and two :class:``\\s .. code-block:: python # from import Service, run_services class AddService(Service): def add(self, a, b): return a + b def shutdown_service(self, *args, **kwargs): # do whatever you need to do before the AddService shuts down # return whatever you want return True class SubtractService(Service): def subtract(self, a, b): return a - b def shutdown_service(self, *args, **kwargs): # do whatever you need to do before the SubtractService shuts down # return whatever you want return 'Success!' run_services(AddService(), SubtractService()) Then the :class:`` script could be .. code-block:: python from import connect cxn = connect() a ='AddService') s ='SubtractService') assert a.add(1, 2) == 3 assert s.subtract(1, 2) == -1 a.shutdown_service() s.shutdown_service() When both :class:``\\s have shut down then the Network :class:`.Manager` will also shut down and the :func:`run_services` function will no longer be blocking the execution of ````. """ if not services: msg = 'Warning... no services have been specified' logger.error(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return for service in services: if not isinstance(service, Service): raise TypeError(f'All services must be of type {Service}') manager_kwargs = filter_run_forever_kwargs(**kwargs) service_kwargs = filter_service_start_kwargs(**kwargs) output = _create_manager_and_loop(**manager_kwargs) if not output: return async def start_service(s): await output['loop'].run_in_executor(None, lambda: s.start(**service_kwargs)) async def gather(): await asyncio.gather(*tasks) tasks = [start_service(service) for service in services] try: output['loop'].run_until_complete(gather()) except KeyboardInterrupt:'CTRL+C keyboard interrupt received') finally: _cleanup(**output)
[docs] def filter_run_forever_kwargs(**kwargs): """From the specified keyword arguments only return those that are valid for :func:``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 Parameters ---------- kwargs All keyword arguments that are not part of the function signature for :func:`` are silently ignored and are not included in the output. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Valid keyword arguments that can be passed to :func:``. """ kws = {} for item in inspect.getfullargspec(run_forever).kwonlyargs: if item in kwargs: kws[item] = kwargs[item] # the manager uses an `auth_password` kwarg but a service uses a # `password_manager` kwarg however, these kwargs represent the same thing if 'password_manager' in kwargs and 'auth_password' not in kws: kws['auth_password'] = kwargs['password_manager'] return kws
def _create_manager_and_loop( *, host=None, port=constants.PORT, auth_hostname=False, auth_login=False, auth_password=None, database=None, disable_tls=False, cert_file=None, key_file=None, key_file_password=None, log_level='INFO', log_file=None): # set up logging -- FileHandler and StreamHandler if log_file is None: now ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') log_file = os.path.join(constants.HOME_DIR, 'logs', f'manager-{now}.log') ensure_root_path(log_file) # set the root logger level to DEBUG and make sure that it has no handlers root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.handlers.clear() root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('asyncio').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # add a FileHandler fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode='wt') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ff = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] %(name)s - %(message)s') ff.default_msec_format = '%s.%03d' fh.setFormatter(ff) root_logger.addHandler(fh) # add a StreamHandler and its log level can be decided from the command line sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) sh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sf = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-5s] %(name)s - %(message)s') sf.default_msec_format = '%s.%03d' sh.setFormatter(sf) root_logger.addHandler(sh) if not Manager.set_logging_level(log_level): msg = f'ValueError: Cannot set logging level to {log_level!r}' logger.error(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return # get the port number try: port = int(port) if port <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: msg = 'ValueError: The port must be a positive integer' logger.error(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return # create the SSL context context = None if not disable_tls: # get the password to decrypt the private key if isinstance(key_file_password, (list, tuple)): key_file_password = ' '.join(key_file_password) if key_file_password is not None and os.path.isfile(key_file_password): with open(key_file_password, mode='rt') as fp: key_file_password = fp.readline().strip() # get the path to the certificate and to the private key if cert_file is None and key_file is None: if host is None: key_file = cryptography.get_default_key_path() cert_file = cryptography.get_default_cert_path() else: key_file = os.path.join(constants.KEY_DIR, f'{host}.key') cert_file = os.path.join(constants.CERT_DIR, f'{host}.crt') if not os.path.isfile(key_file): cryptography.generate_key(path=key_file, password=key_file_password) if not os.path.isfile(cert_file): cryptography.generate_certificate( path=cert_file, key_path=key_file, key_password=key_file_password ) elif cert_file is None and key_file is not None: # create (or overwrite) the default certificate to match the key cert_file = cryptography.generate_certificate( key_path=key_file, key_password=key_file_password) elif cert_file is not None and key_file is None: pass # assume that the certificate file also contains the private key context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) # noqa context.load_cert_chain(cert_file, keyfile=key_file, password=key_file_password)'loaded certificate %s', cert_file) # get database file if database is not None: if not os.path.isfile(database): ensure_root_path(database) else: database = constants.DATABASE # load the connections table conn_table = ConnectionsTable(database=database)'loaded the %r table from %s', conn_table.NAME, conn_table.path) # load the auth_hostnames table hostnames_table = HostnamesTable(database=database)'loaded the %r table from %s', hostnames_table.NAME, hostnames_table.path) # load the auth_users table for the login credentials users_table = UsersTable(database=database)'loaded the %r table from %s', users_table.NAME, users_table.path) # check which authentication method to use login, password, hostnames = None, None, None if not auth_password and not auth_hostname and not auth_login: # then no authentication is required for Clients or Services to connect to the Manager pass elif auth_password and not auth_hostname and not auth_login: # then the authentication is a password if isinstance(auth_password, (list, tuple)): password = ' '.join(auth_password) else: password = auth_password if os.path.isfile(password): with open(password, mode='rt') as fp: password = fp.readline().strip() elif not auth_password and auth_hostname and not auth_login: # then the authentication is based on a list of trusted hosts hostnames = hostnames_table.hostnames() elif not auth_password and not auth_hostname and auth_login: # then the authentication is based on the user's login information login = True if not users_table.usernames(): users_table.close() conn_table.close() hostnames_table.close() name = users_table.NAME msg = f'The {name!r} table is empty, no one could log in\n' \ f'To add a user to the {name!r} table run the ' \ f'"msl-network user" command' logger.error(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return else: users_table.close() conn_table.close() hostnames_table.close() msg = 'Cannot specify multiple authentication methods' logger.error(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return if hostnames:'using trusted hosts for authentication') elif password:'using a password for authentication') elif login:'using a login for authentication') else:'not using authentication') loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # create the network manager manager = Manager(port, password, login, hostnames, conn_table, users_table, hostnames_table, loop) try: server = loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.start_server(manager.new_connection, host=host, port=port, ssl=context, limit=sys.maxsize) ) except OSError as err: users_table.close() conn_table.close() hostnames_table.close() logger.error(err) print(err, file=sys.stderr) return state = 'ENABLED' if context else 'DISABLED''%s %s:%d (TLS %s)', constants.NETWORK_MANAGER_RUNNING_PREFIX, host or HOSTNAME, port, state) return { 'manager': manager, 'loop': loop, 'server': server, 'db_tables': [conn_table, hostnames_table, users_table] } def _cleanup(manager, loop, server, db_tables):'shutting down the Network Manager') if manager.client_writers or manager.service_writers: loop.run_until_complete(manager.shutdown_manager()) if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks else: # From the docs: # This method is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.9. # Use the asyncio.all_tasks() function instead. all_tasks = asyncio.Task.all_tasks for task in all_tasks(loop=loop): task.cancel()'closing the connection server') server.close() loop.run_until_complete(server.wait_closed())'closing the event loop') try: loop.close() except RuntimeError: pass # close the database tables for table in db_tables: table.close()