Source code for

Command line interface for the ``certdump`` command.

To see the help documentation, run the following command in a terminal::

   msl-network certdump --help

import os

from .cryptography import get_metadata_as_string
from .cryptography import load_certificate
from .utils import ensure_root_path

HELP = 'Dumps the details of a PEM certificate.'


The ``certdump`` command is similar to the openssl command to
get the details of a certificate::
  openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout

EPILOG = """

  # dump the details to the terminal
  msl-network certdump /path/to/cert.pem 

  # dump the details to a file
  msl-network certdump /path/to/cert.pem --out dump.txt

See Also::

  msl-network certgen


[docs] def add_parser_certdump(parser): """Add the ``certdump`` command to the `parser`.""" p = parser.add_parser( 'certdump', help=HELP, description=DESCRIPTION, epilog=EPILOG, ) p.add_argument( 'certfile', help='The path to a PEM certificate.' ) p.add_argument( '-o', '--out', help='The file path to dump the details to. If omitted\n' 'then prints the details to the terminal.' ) p.set_defaults(func=execute)
[docs] def execute(args): """Executes the ``certdump`` command.""" if not os.path.isfile(args.certfile): print(f'Cannot find {args.certfile}') return meta = get_metadata_as_string(load_certificate(args.certfile)) if args.out is None: print(meta) else: ensure_root_path(args.out) with open(args.out, mode='wt') as fp: fp.write(f'Certificate details for {args.certfile}\n') fp.write(meta) print(f'Dumped the certificate details to {args.out}')